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The JHS Black & White staff consists of about 43 students who work to create content for our print and online publications. As design editor, I oversee all design layouts in our 24 page issue.
I start each news cycle by meeting with everyone who was assigned a design to brainstorm potential layout options. In order to ensure that all layouts are done on time and within our standard, I meet with each designer throughout the issue to check in and offer suggestions. 
My role is to help guide people in completing their layouts rather than just taking over someone's page. Following every issue, we meet as a group to review what went well and what needs to improve for next time. This process gives staff writers a chance to grow and develop from the feedback they receive.

Team Building

In order to produce a quality publication, a news team has to work together cohesively. The JHS Black & White new teams does this through a variety of things. From before school starts get togethers to almost monthly potlucks, we take part in multiple activities to build bonds.
Beyond the fun, communication is critical to being an effective team. As such, we decided to implement the use of managers this year as a buffer between staff writers and the editorial board. These managers check in with staff writers and provide help. If a problem requires additional help, these managers let us editors know so that we may intervene.
Another tool we use is couch meetings. These meetings involve all staff members meeting around a couch located in the newsroom. This gives us editors a chance to address critical issues or make announcements necessary for the entire staff.

Feature Editor

September 2018 - March 2019

Design Editor

March 2019 - Now

Newsmagazine Pacemaker Finalist 2019


JHS Black & White Iowa News Team of the Year 2019


JHS Black & White Iowa News Team of the Year 2018


Quill & Scroll Third Place for Visual Excellence 


Awards by our team

Taylor Siebert Portfolio

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